Free Resources

Free Training
so you can be the steady parent you want to be
A 1-hour free training to both understand and ease your sensory overload as a parent
S.O.S. I’m Touched-Out!
When you’re in the thick of it and can’t figure out how to shift your energy and calm your nervous system, pop in your headphones and tune into this free track (or read along if that’s more your style!), straight from the S.O.S. Vault!
I’ll be right beside you to walk you through it!
S.O.S. Phone Wallpapers
Do you feel like no matter how many times you learn what to do when you’re overstimulated, you can’t actually remember what to do in the moment of sensory overload?
These free Sensory Overload Support (SOS) phone wallpapers will tell you exactly what to do.
“Now that I’m able to understand my own needs, I’m actually available to take care of my kids. Before, I felt like I was barely holding on, bouncing from one demand to the next, without really being present in caring for my children. Now, I have a plan to take care of ME, which means I get to show up as my best self for my kids.
-Blanca, Sensing Your Needs in Parenthood Student